2023년 12월 29일 금요일

[가주 급여투명법 시행 1년 점검] 급여 수준 광범위·무성의 광고 개선 필요



[가주 급여투명법 시행 1년 점검] 급여 수준 광범위·무성의 광고 개선 필요

연봉 9만~90만불로 10배 차이
일부 한국기업 '1달러' 게재도
건강보험·은퇴플랜 제공 고용주↑


올해 1월 1일부터 가주에서 시행된 급여투명법으로 고용주들이 채용 공고에 급여와 베네핏 등을 공개하고 있다. 구인.구직 사이트 글래스도어(왼쪽)에 게재된 가주지역 구글 데이터분석가와 집리크루터에 올라온 가주지역 애플 소프트웨어 엔지니어 채용 공고. [각 웹사이트 캡처]

올해 1월 1일부터 가주에서 시행된 급여투명법으로 고용주들이 채용 공고에 급여와 베네핏 등을 공개하고 있다. 구인.구직 사이트 글래스도어(왼쪽)에 게재된 가주지역 구글 데이터분석가와 집리크루터에 올라온 가주지역 애플 소프트웨어 엔지니어 채용 공고. [각 웹사이트 캡처]

가주에서 올해 1월 1일부터 시행된 ‘급여투명법(Pay Transparency Law)’이 1년을 맞이했다.  
지난 1년 동안 급여투명법은 직종별 급여를 확인할 수 있어 공정한 임금을 찾는 근로자들에게 도움이 되는 것으로 평가되고 있다.  
본지는 지난 27일 기준 한인 기업 구직 사이트인 잡코리아 USA를 포함, 인디드, 글래스도어, 링크드인, 집리크루터 등의 구직 사이트에서 가주 지역 채용공고에 게시된 급여를 조사한 바에 따르면, 대체로 급여투명법에 준수한 연봉을 공개하고 있었지만, 급여 범위가 큰 업체도 많았다.  
특히 한 한국기업은 성의 없이 1달러에서 1달러로 게재하거나 9만 달러에서 90만 달러로 구인 광고를 올리기도 해서 이에 대한 개선책이 시급한 것으로 나타났다.  
급여투명법 시행으로 나아진 점은 연봉의 투명성 강화와 함께 연봉 외 건강보험과 은퇴플랜 등을 제공하는 기업들이 늘었다는 점이다. 급여투명법 시행 1년을 점검해봤다.
급여투명법은 올해 1월 1일부터 시행된 법으로 직원 15명 이상을 고용하는 사업체는 채용공고 시 해당 일자리의 급여 또는 시간당 임금 범위를 명시하도록 했다. 특히 고용주는 직원 숫자와 상관없이 직원이 직책별 급여 범위를 요청하면 알려줘야 한다.  
이 제도를 시행한 주는 가주, 워싱턴주, 콜로라도주 및 뉴욕주다. 일부 지방정부도 급여를 투명하게 공개하는 정책을 시행했다.  
급여투명법을 시행하는 주가 늘면서 올해 채용 공고에 임금을 포함하는 고용주의 수도 늘었다. 집리크루터에 따르면 고용주의 72%는 채용공고에 급여 정보를 게시하는 것으로 나타났다.  
가주 내 한국기업들도 구인광고 시 급여와 베네핏 정보를 게재하고 있다. 예를 들어 농심 아메리카의 세일즈분석가, 물류코디네이터, 영업직 구인 광고에 게재된 연봉은 4만5000~5만5000달러였다. 롯데아메리카의 영업직 및 영업 관리, 물류사무, 물류기사의 경우엔 4만8000~5만3000달러로 나타났다.  
우리은행 아메리카의 크레딧분석가는 6~9만 달러, 코웨이 운영기획 담당은 4만5000~7만3000달러, 인사 총무는 4만5000~6만5000달러였다.  
올해 대량 해고와 채용 동결을 한 빅테크 기업의 인기 직종 급여는 여전히 최고 수준으로 나타났다. 〈표 참조〉
구글 데이터분석가 연봉은 13만9000~21만3000달러, 애플 웹 디자이너 연봉은 13만1500~24만 3300달러, 마이크로소프트 엔지니어 연봉은 11만2000~21만8400달러, 넷플릭스 마케팅 연봉은 17만5000~44만5000달러였다. 내년 가장 인기있는 부업으로 떠오른 개를 산책시키는 LA지역의 독워커는 시간당 15~30달러를 받을 수 있다.  
데이터 분석 회사 페이스케일에 따르면 일부 고용주들은 채용 공고에 급여의 25~75% 사이를 게재하고 심지어 9만~90만 달러로 게시한 채용 공고도 있다.  
채용업계 관계자는 “공개된 급여 범위가 가늠하기 어려울 정도로 광범위하고 실제 업무에 대한 정확한 급여가 아닌 경우가 꽤 있다”며 “업계의 급여 수준을 조사하고 다른 혜택도 포함해서 고용주와 협상하는 게 유리하다”고 조언했다.  
이런 가운데 급여투명법을 시행 중인 주 정부나 지방정부는 급여 범위를 지나치게 넓히거나 급여 공개를 회피하는 고용주에 대한 명확한 단속 지침을 밝히지 않고 있어서 더 문제라는 게 전문가들의 지적이다.
박수영 노동법 변호사는 “정확한 급여보다 폭넓은 급여 범위를 제시해 고용주에게 급여투명법이 크게 부담되고 있지 않다. 반대로 구직자들에게는 정확한 연봉 수준을 알 수 없어서 이에 대한 개선책이 필요하다”고 설명했다.  
이어 그는 "급여투명법을 어길 경우 고용주가 1만 달러의 벌금을 내야 한다. 각 직급에 따른 급여 범위를 설정하고 기존 직원들에게 급여 수치를 설명할 수 있도록 부서장들에 대한 지도가 필요하다"고 덧붙였다.  
▶긍정적인 변화
근로자 권익 옹호 단체들은 급여투명법 시행으로 고용주 사이 초봉 및 기타 혜택 경쟁에 불이 붙으면서 오퍼 임금 수준이 오르고 있으며 베네핏을 제공하는 업체도 느는 등 긍정적인 변화도 있다고 반겼다.  
집리크루터에 따르면, 올해 건강보험과 은퇴플랜을 제공하겠다고 밝힌 기업체는 각각 6.7%와 17.2%로 작년의 5.1%와 12.6%와 비교하면 각각 1.6%포인트와 4.6%포인트 증가했다.
집리크루이터의 수석 이코노미스트 줄리 폴락은 “더 많은 고용주가 채용 공고에 다양한 비현금 혜택, 특전 및 근무 유연성 등을 포함하고 있다”고 밝혔다.

이은영·정하은 기자

2023년 12월 28일 목요일

Citigroup Exec Sues For Sexual Harassment. A New Law Allows Her Voice To Be Heard


Citigroup Exec Sues For Sexual Harassment. A New Law Allows Her Voice To Be Heard

10:04am EST
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Ardith Lindsey, a managing director in Citigroup’s electronic markets division, is suing the bank, alleging she endured sexual harassment and sexual assault in an environment where women were regularly objectified. Before 2022, all such cases at Citigroup would have been forced into arbitration, but a recent federal law allows victims of sexual harassment and assault to have their voices heard in court.

In the complaint filed in the Southern District of New York, Lindsey compares the trading floor at Citi to a locker room where men treat women as sexual objects, rank the appearance of female employees, openly discuss which female colleagues they want to have sex with and comment on women’s bodies. The suit further states that male executives created a boys’ club environment, viewed women as entertainment and took clients to strip clubs. For client dinners, they “invited women – who were not Citi clients, employees, or spouses and had no reason to be there – to serve as entertainment for the men,” the complaint alleges.

Lindsey told me how she felt the need to alter her behavior to deflect attention from herself while at work. “I refused to walk down the center aisle [of the trading floor] because it was viewed as a catwalk with people looking at your appearance and talking about your appearance.” She added, “I don't need glasses, but I wore glasses. I just tried not to be the focus. And tried to be left alone.” She described how “demoralizing” it felt to work in an environment where women were objectified. “You think you're coming into this professional environment. And it's anything but that,” she said.

Adding credence to her allegations, the New York Times reported ten former Citi employees agreed that there was a hostile work environment for female employees at the bank. Erin Daly, who worked in Citi’s private banking area, unsuccessfully tried to skirt the arbitration requirement at Citi and filed a complaint in 2018. She also described the environment as a boys’ club, and said she was forced to apologize in writing for asking for equal treatment.

With regard to Lindsey’s case, Mark Costiglio, a spokesperson for Citigroup, said via email, “Citi will defend against Ms. Lindsey’s claims in court. Setting aside what we think are the merits of any individual claim, however, our values and expectations are clear—no one should ever be discriminated against or harassed in the workplace. Our colleagues should feel confident they can raise concerns about themselves or others without fear of retribution, and decisive action must be taken when unacceptable behavior takes place. We regularly review and update our policies and look for innovative ways to ensure they are understood and followed by all colleagues.”According to Lindsey, the pervasive sexism at the bank empowered men to engage in even more egregious behaviors. Weeks after she started at the bank, at a holiday party, a senior executive pressured Lindsey to stay out drinking with him, threatening to fire her if she went home. After visits to several bars, the executive insisted on walking her home and pressured his way into her apartment under the guise of needing to use her restroom. He refused to leave, kissing her without her consent. Although she says she reported the incident to her manager, no action was taken. The bank says they have no record of a complaint.  

Later in her career, she describes being coerced into a relationship with a senior executive, Mani Singh. At the time, Singh was more senior than Lindsey and frequently flaunted his power over her. “He made very clear the power that he had and direct threats in terms of what he could do to me,” she told me.

When she tried to end the relationship, she was barraged with texts from Singh, threatening her life, her career and her children. The complaint highlighted several texts as evidence, including: “And I am going to set you on fire”; “[H]ug [your children] tight” because your “world will be over [tomorrow]”; “Your kids[‘] life will be ruined from here on in”; and “Your children will have no future with [a] Slut like you.”

Costiglio says, “With regard to Mr. Singh, the conduct detailed in the complaint is deplorable, but the relationship Ms. Lindsey describes differs significantly from the accounts she previously provided to Citi.” He says that Lindsey had previously described Singh as “a friend.” He added, “Last year when she reported the vile text messages to us, she described the relationship as having been consensual. We immediately placed Mr. Singh on leave and began an investigation. Mr. Singh resigned within days before the investigation could be completed.” Singh could not be reached for comment.

When Singh left the bank, his boss, Tim Gately, told employees that he had resigned for “personal and family reasons,” according to Lindsey’s complaint. “We’re all very sorry to see him go,” Gately allegedly added, “but it was his decision, and we wish him well.”

But Lindsey makes it clear her issue isn’t just with Singh. Instead, it’s about the environment that let Singh and the pervasive sexism thrive. That’s why her suit is against Citigroup and not Singh. “I think a lot of the focus to date has been on Mani Singh—I think that's really where Citi wants the focus to be. But it's much more about the institution that created this person and allowed this person to repeatedly do things to me and other people,” she told me. “The firm just fails to act to protect women like myself,” she added.

After these experiences, doctors diagnosed Lindsey with post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety and deemed her unable to work. Lindsey is currently on an approved leave of absence from Citi.

Prior to 2022, Lindsey’s case would have been forced into arbitration, and the details would not have been public record. Her allegations and this suit came to light thanks to a 2022 federal law that prevents companies from forcing cases of sexual harassment and assault into arbitration. Nonetheless, Lindsey says that Citi executives tried to persuade her to pursue arbitration in this case. The case is one of the first high-profile cases to be filed since the law passed.

Former Fox News anchor, Gretchen Carlson, and her organization Lift Our Voices worked tirelessly advocating for Congress to pass the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act. Carlson learned from her own experience suing Fox News chairman Roger Ailes how forced arbitration could silence victims. Now, the new law helps women like Lindsey tell their stories publicly.

"Our law to end forced arbitration for sexual misconduct is the reason organizations like Citi can no longer sweep toxic behavior under the rug and that these claims can no longer be buried in the secret chamber of arbitration. The ability for survivors to come forward with their claims gives others the courage to hold predators accountable and will finally bring real and meaningful change to the American workplace," Carlson wrote via email.

Lindsey expressed gratitude for the ability to speak about her experiences. “I am incredibly grateful for all the work that has been done. The women and politicians that have been tirelessly working so women are no longer forced to be silent about their experiences.” She says that many women who were subjected to the arbitration hearings at Citigroup have been reaching out to her and that she believes the forced arbitration allowed the environment at Citi to go unchecked.

“It certainly didn't make it a better place. Things are swept under the rug, and women are silent. So, I'm incredibly grateful for not being someone who can be silenced and that I’m able to come forward about my experiences,” she said.

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A gender bias expert, Kim Elsesser, Ph.D., is the author of Sex and the Office, and she taught classes on gender at UCLA for eight years. She


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2023년 12월 26일 화요일

[김해원 칼럼 (63)] ‘팁’ 관련 노동법 이것만 명심하면 OK

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 계약서 없는 커미션은 불법 - 미주 한국일보 (koreatimes.com)

계약서 없는 커미션은 불법

 댓글 2023-12-26 (화) 김해원 노동법 전문 변호사

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